NicoleW0000: Red Tailed Hawk in Snowsquall
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Pine marten - Martre d'Amérique - Martes americana
NicoleW0000: Short Eared Owl
Ann and Chris: Red Kite - The Raptor with everything
Earl Reinink: Harrier male
Corgibird: From Above Challenge
susie2778: Glow in the snow (Explored)
Alain G G: Pigeon ramier
Earl Reinink: sailboat
GOOD•NEWS•SNAPS: s o m e w h a t • s l i p p e r y
jonathan le borgne: Hauckland's beach, Lofoten
"Jerry" Newman: foggy hoary wetland
Lolo_: Amnesia
Ann and Chris: Red Kite - Diving In (and keeping an 'eye' on the camera)
Gary Norman Photo: Trees at Sharpenhoe Clappers
Ann and Chris: Bittern - Superstar
Hibernia Landscapes (sjwallace9): The Stepping Stones (explored)
Bill Richmond: Kingfisher & lunch
PETEJLB: Eurasian Black Vulture
Paul M Loader: Enchanted Forest (Explored 15-10-17)
sylvain.messier: Petit-duc maculé de forme grise | Parc des rapides | Arrondissement Lasalle | Montréal
Achim Thomae Photography: Alpine Autumn - Explored -
JLindroos: Autumn_night
J McSporran: Nil Desperandum
NicoleW0000: Ruby Throated Hummingbird
radonracer: Schöne Aussicht
oalbinai: DSC_0113a