only lines: Architecture
Stewart Robotham: Cloisters
Scrufftie: Pollutri
only lines: Shadows
only lines: Cacti
oldeyes47: Pinhole reflections
Lise Tiolu: Ca scintille sur les tuiles au lever du jour !
Steve Bowbrick: Taken by my friend Paul
DS Williams: Boatyard Crane Woodbridge
DS Williams: Under Walton Pier
flipNfill@Sam Ginger: People in +852
flipNfill@Sam Ginger: People in +44
brü.: lonely pot
only lines: Southbank Yellow
only lines: Regents Canal
Paulo Kelly: The alternative and less used entrance to the ministry of magic!
Stewart Robotham: The Gulf of Yorkshire
Gaetan Bois: France - Espalion
john linney2012: Tŵr Mawr Lighthouse
richardr: The British Library
jordi doria 140: teulades i xemeneies-BIBURY-Cotswolds (Anglaterra)
Maria-H: Kirk's dik-dik
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Ioannisdg: Areopoli, Mani, Laconia - Greece