MarjieM777: So many choices...
MarjieM777: female Anna's hummingbird
acadia_breeze4130: Eastern Bluebird Snow Bunting - Barrow
Don Delaney: Male Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus)
pieceoflace photography: Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 1
starc283: IMG_1404
Larry W Brown: Tis' The Season
kenyoung3: Yellow-rumped Warbler
starc283: bobcat
starc283: DSCN3598 sage grouse
billbigfish: Summer dress code
vtpeacenik: Anybody Have a Comb?
billbigfish: Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)
Jim Baker Photos: Mady loves the fire place.
ben christie: Aaaaah!!! That’s better..
starc283: IMG_4755 american bald eagle
Meadowlands Photo: Black and White Warbler
Don Delaney: White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis)
Airborne Guy: Angels-13
starc283: 006 coyote
Larry W Brown: AUTUMN CURL
pieceoflace photography: Autumn avian...
starc283: IMG_2823 spotted towhee
Airborne Guy: VSU Woo Woos
undertheturnpike: rainbow new york skyline
Anne Ahearne: Tufted Titmouse in Winter