gruntzooki: Buy Art From People Who Are Alive sign, New York City, New York, USA
gruntzooki: Sign reading Per TSA management JFK employees are not allowed to cut to the front of the Pre Check line Thank You, JFK Terminal 8, Queens, New York City, New York, USA
dsearls: nc_map_northwest
Anthony Crider: Never Again Action in Graham (2019 Nov)
Camp Alkulana: 1970s.68
gruntzooki: DSA membership card, the office, Burbank, California, USA
GregoryH: Photo
Guy Clinch: Found Photograph, Nun at Desk
Guy Clinch: Found Photograph, Portrait with Cigarette
maven: Creative Commons Creativity Poster
lissame: our navigator
minorjive: ruby twitter hcr
gruntzooki: Planning the NYPL call with Ed Snowden 5
abbyladybug: He's really getting somewhere with this. Best siding this side of Maine!
ross.grady: Meanwhile, to the west
ayse_e: upload
ayse_e: Don't you love it when the *best* sassiest ladies walk into your office repping your sitch? BOOM.
momsrising: photo 2-1
ayse_e: Give up hope, Patriarch(y)! YOU ARE DEFEATED. 💥💪💃💗👭💕👬💖👫💘👯💝🎎✊✊✊✊✊
Karetchko: Satine Bieber
abbyladybug: Poor guy clearly doesn't understand how lamps work.
BrianR: Izzy's Mask
noneck: Just some intergenerational hand holding...
noneck: OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! In their 20s, my parents were so hot. Either I or the 80s ruined their sense of fashion.
ayse_e: 10 years ago today my BFF and I participated in the March for Women's Lives. An outrageously energizing day being with 1.15 million marchers for reproductive and women's rights. Still proudly rocking my t-shirt.
kirstiecat: Superchunk
gruntzooki: Great Buddha and pretty good buddha, Nara, Japan
dsearls: 2014_02_06_lhr-ewr_364
dsearls: 2014_02_06_lhr-ewr_369