Karetchko: Darth Vader did not get to the coffee maker soon enough.
Karetchko: Darth Vader, on hold. This is going to take a while.
Karetchko: Darth Vader has ramen for lunch at his desk. Again.
Karetchko: Here's today's paperwork, Darth Vader.
Karetchko: IMG_9883
Karetchko: Presenting Darth Vader with the morning's paperwork.
Karetchko: "Is this ID badge photo flattering?" Darth Vader wonders.
Karetchko: Darth Vader maintains the copier.
Karetchko: 2014 Turkey
Karetchko: Miss Frizzle and the astronaut
Karetchko: IMG_20151031_155451384
Karetchko: Dr. and Mrs. BeaverBuck Teeth
Karetchko: The kit-friendly event of the year!
Karetchko: Incentives to buy votes
Karetchko: Beaver Bride group
Karetchko: Satine Bieber
Karetchko: Madame Beavery
Karetchko: Swarmi and Bailar Beaver
Karetchko: Fur Pelton John, meditative and musical
Karetchko: Clean Beaver, judging panel member
Karetchko: Rock Woodsman
Karetchko: Beav Aldrin leading The Beaver Chant
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Karetchko: 2014 Beaver Queen Beav Aldrin
Karetchko: Blessing of the kits with Rev. Morningwood and Cherry Cherry Bang Bang
Karetchko: The Reverand with the Big Book of Beaver
Karetchko: Kits during blessing
Karetchko: Beaver Brides Wetland Readywear
Karetchko: MC Frank Stasio
Karetchko: Madame Beavery, Wetland Readywear