Grandma Tina:
ID-ed as cicada--macro #1 Tibicen canicularis
In Memoriam: Mr. Ducke:
All Saints Hursley
In Memoriam: Mr. Ducke:
By the Tracks
Grandma Tina:
Green lynx spider has breakfast on cosmos bloom
AZ Greyhound Rescue:
Just thinking
FLS Gallery:
The Top Of The Waterfall
Rareimage Photography:
Out of the Camera Painting
In Memoriam: Mr. Ducke:
Green & Wild
Yellow Warbler
Female Skimmer??
FLS Gallery:
A Red Hibiscus Flower
Janet 59:
In Memoriam: Mr. Ducke:
Single Lane Bridge
In Memoriam: Mr. Ducke:
Paw Lickin'
FLS Gallery:
" Gone Fishin"
In Memoriam: Mr. Ducke:
In Memoriam: Mr. Ducke:
Burley Manor
Lollie Dot Com:
He always makes me laugh!