jvas90: 2021-12-29_01-11-43
jvas90: Jinx sunbathing in the window.
jvas90: Nugget taking an afternoon nap. #cat #sleeping #naptime
jvas90: Sheldon
jvas90: Jinx
jvas90: RIP B-Bass
jvas90: Sunrise 02-18-2012
jvas90: What a lazy way to spend a Sunday...
jvas90: Let's play ball!!!!
jvas90: Ahhhhh...
jvas90: Macy..
jvas90: Sheldon the Wonder Mutt..
jvas90: Sheldon...
jvas90: Sheldon...
jvas90: Field of flowers...
jvas90: Happy Mother's Day...
jvas90: Morton Lemley Hall
jvas90: Tornado aftermath...
jvas90: Tornado aftermath...
jvas90: Jinx and Irwin...
jvas90: I'm leaving on a jet plane...
jvas90: Snail close-up..
jvas90: Burst of yellow...
jvas90: Early morning drink..
jvas90: They're back!!
jvas90: Irwin...
jvas90: The voyeur...
jvas90: The morning after...
jvas90: Moon shot...
jvas90: The dawn of a new day...