HHdoc: A Swan Twofer
HHdoc: Snow goose migration has begun
Teresa Anne Williams: I’m going to get you !
2 in the bush.: Stonechat [female]
Ignacio Ferre: Turdus torquatus
fotodave22: DSP08942 - Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
Joanne Lemay: Junco ardoisé.
After-the-Rain: Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)
susie2778: Just hanging around!
susie2778: Take off!
glostopcat: Teal Drake - On the Rushy Pen
2 in the bush.: Barn Owl
adrianbott: Marsh harrier
Ignacio Ferre: Red Fox
deerphillucas: Marsh Harrier , Circus aeruginosus
Colin 2013: Nuthatch.
After-the-Rain: Female Siskin (Carduelis spinus)
hedera.baltica: Black woodpecker
hedera.baltica: Tree sparrow
hedera.baltica: Red squirrel
Laurent Mayet: Flamant rose
r.cariou33: Épervier d'Europe Accipiter nisus - Eurasian Sparrowhawk
Nina_Ali: February frosty mornings!
Gary Vause: Purple Sandpiper
SnappyMac: Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus)
fotodave22: DSP08948 - Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
hedera.baltica: Hooded crow
hedera.baltica: Red squirrel
Maria-L: Long-tailed Tit
Ignacio Ferre: Hawfinch