superhumanbird: Breakfast
david barclay: Alec and the iceberg
david barclay: kinda weird having a living room and a couch, a table to eat at, all that stuff.
david barclay: Seriously, can't get enough icebergs in my life
david barclay: SURFER and an ICEBERG
tullera: where all the magic happens
tullera: It came from Texas
david barclay: A shadow!!!
david barclay: Dual purpose bus advertisement
david barclay: Power-centre parking lot snow bank
tullera: Lana Del Rey centerfold
duanestubbs: P1010652
david barclay: Possible high point of my life.
david barclay: Guy with one white poodle and one black poodle
astralairplane: IMG_0147
katasharya: Let's go back
david barclay: Great Southern California Blackout [7]
superhumanbird: Rest Stop
david barclay: University of Guam Marine Lab cats hang near garbage.
tullera: Addicted to Region B
david barclay: New record digging strategy: a unified visual and audio aesthetic.
david barclay: Openly admiring the beard guard.