katastrophik: This is a flashback to Friday. #bluemoon #ghostburgers
katastrophik: I can't stop thinking about Morocco! #tbt #tangerinndream2015
katastrophik: Celebrating an Austin treasure today! #zulema
katastrophik: Happy Father's Day all of you rad dudes. Especially @kenakino and Kenny Sr.! Love always!
katastrophik: Probably not the best idea to travel internationally with a book called Blow Up. #tangerinndream2015
katastrophik: It took a weird detour through Northern Africa, but I finally got to see Goya's Saturn in person! And lots of other amazing art like Bosch, Velázquez, etcetera #madrid #prado #tangerinndream2015
katastrophik: Traffic jam on the way to the airport! Oh Morocco! #tangerinndream2015
katastrophik: Goodbye Morocco! #tangerinndream2015
katastrophik: Goodbye Tangier! We will miss you Morocco. #tangerinndream2015
katastrophik: This is John's expat look. I think it suits him. #tangerinndream2015
katastrophik: We took @robcoons advice and visited Les Fils du Dètroit to listen to traditional Andalusian music. As promised it was great! When we asked if we could take their photo they ended up dressing us up and making us play their instruments. Excellent evasion t
katastrophik: Yesterday we had mint tea from a cafe in a cave by the sea. Oh Morocco! #tangerinndream2015
katastrophik: Beach ruins Tangier. #tangerinndream2015
katastrophik: If you need to park your truck in Tangier, we found a great place.
katastrophik: @sal_magundi giving yo-yo lessons in Joujouka #tangerinndream2015 #ileftmyheartinjoujouka
katastrophik: We're staying near Jimmy's, but he's never opened...I assume he's jet-setting. #tangerinndream2015
katastrophik: I love Moroccan donuts! Okay, I love all donuts. #tangerinndream2015
katastrophik: Moroccan donut with questionable graffiti. #tangerinndream2015
katastrophik: From the train to Tangier. That's the Atlantic. And a horse hanging out between train tracks and a highway. Oh Morocco! #tangerinndream2015
katastrophik: Made it back to Tangier! #tangerinndream2015
katastrophik: Cat naps in the medina. #tangerinndream2015
katastrophik: Last night in Fès where you head to graveyard for some peace and grazing. #tangerinndream2015
katastrophik: So a guy walks into a Kasbah... #tangerinndream2015
katastrophik: A kid and his horse at some ancient tombs and shit. NBD. #merenidtombs #tangerinndream2015
katastrophik: Afternoon jams with the Master Musicians of Joujouka. #tangerinndream2015
katastrophik: I left my heart in... #tangerinndream2015
katastrophik: Cafe Boujeloud in Joujouka. #tangerinndream2015
katastrophik: Fez at dusk. From Joujouka (pop. 100+) to Fez (pop. 1,000,000+) is dizzying, so we napped until dusk. #tangerinndream2015 #oldmedina
katastrophik: We're leaving Chefchaouen in the morning to go Joujouka to kick it with the Master Musicians of Joujouka. It's going to remote...probably no wifi. See you guys on the other side!