david barclay: Montreal has more trains
david barclay: train arrives in montreal
david barclay: train fan on train from Halifax to Montreal
david barclay: new house. new baby is held by photographer
david barclay: rare portrait oriented photo
david barclay: unreal 2023
david barclay: baby sleeps at home
david barclay: mother holds baby the next day
david barclay: mother and baby sleep
david barclay: baby gets fed
david barclay: baby is alseep
david barclay: mother holds baby
david barclay: baby is born
david barclay: child in home office
david barclay: child in office
david barclay: new dune photograph is out
david barclay: cape breton rock scene
david barclay: hat by nana
david barclay: preferred activity of child
david barclay: orienting oneself in Iceland
david barclay: it's a COVID trip
david barclay: tourist stuff
david barclay: Strytan dive center. we're going to record this vent.
david barclay: loading the boat
david barclay: "Joe Cool" in Icelandic, I think
david barclay: Gear on the dock
david barclay: working in acoustical oceanography
david barclay: sur les traces des puffins (not successful)
david barclay: recording a thermal spring
david barclay: classic tourist shot - probably better to google this one