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albums of quaelin
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2015-11-27 Spacetapes & The Grin
Change.org #ATR2015
Instant Upload
2013-06 Ontario
2012-08-04 Paul & Christy's Wedding
2012-08-01 Mackie House with Dad
2012-07 Coldstream
2012-02-11 Sailing
Richard & Laine's wedding in Puerto Vallarta
2011-11 Mexico
Zoo with Grandpa G
Zed Nation @ iFly
London 2011
Stanford Pow Wow 2011
Dadurday at the Zoo
Metric @ Memorial Arena
Flock Napa Trip
Danée and Kevin (Gypsy Carnival)
Faedra's first few days
Best 40
I'm on a plane!
Best Nature Shots
Rabbit promo pics
Canada Day 2009
Chirp Afterparty, featuring will.i.am
Google I/O
Flock Misc.
Esquimalt Lagoon
Swine Flu Hillbilly Hoedown II
North Van trip
Canada Day 2010
Rabbit - Zone Band of the Month
Rabbit 1st cut
Chirp: Closing remarks from the founders
Chirp Application Showcase
#chirpscale: Billions of Hits: Scaling Twitter
#chirpscala: The How and Why of Scala at Twitter
#chirpoauth: Too Many Secrets, but Never Enough
#chirpdata: Big Data at Twitter
Ignite Chirp
1st Annual Swine Flu Hillbilly Hoedown
Justin's cards
Flock 2.5 Release Party
VIATeC Awards Gala 2009
Snowshoe and Fondue Mt. Washington
Barcelona Trip
Artistic Filters
Tofino Christmas '08
Flock North Christmas '08
Weekend get-away: East Sooke and Whistler
Autumn arrives @ Mill Hill
Craig & Andrea's Wedding
Inventing Eden - Sept. 13th shoot
Flock North 9-and-Dine
Inventing Eden Aug. 31 shoot
Mystic Beach, Aug. '08
Mayan Riviera Honeymoon
Whale Shark snorkeling excursion
Mayan Adventure: Punta Laguna & Coba
Inventing Eden - July 15th shoot
Flock North Fishing Excursion '08
Las Vegas, June 08
Sophie Rickmers @ Ogden Point
Lunar Eclipse, Jan. 20 2008
Great Blue Heron @ Ogden Point
Inventing Eden
New BC Ferry: Coastal Renaissance
Carla's Graduation
Christmas at Tranquility Bay
Flock North Christmas '07
Nuvo Wavo @ Element
Salt Spring Nov. 07
Business Trip to Beverly Hills
76ers 2007 Hornby Island Extravaganza
Hiking East Sooke Park 2007
Island Tech 2007
Point No Point 07
Orveus Bay 2007
Mt. Washington Beer Fest Weekend '07
Flock 0.9 Release Party
Flock Portraits
Canada Day 2007
Canary Derby 2007
Maiden voyage of "The Imagecraft"
My 31st Birthday
Mother's Day 2007
A Game of Cat and Squirrel
Cinco de Mayo Booze Cruise
Flock North Christmas 2006
Merc Christmas Party 2006/07
The Tragically Hip, Jan. 8th 2007
Mike & Jenn's Wedding Highlights
Winnipeg, Christmas '06
Mike Zak's Bachelor Party Weekend
Blizzard '06
Mike & Jenn's Wedding
Merc Halloween Party 2006
Mercenaries vs. Jokers, Oct. 20th 2006
Trip to Santa Monica, Aug. 2006
76ers 2006 Hornby Island Extravaganza
Canada Day 2006
Rabbit @ Lucky Bar, Apr. 7th 2006
Mercurial Soapbox Racer Construction