quaelin: It's to protect the players from crazies like this dude
quaelin: M.T.P.
quaelin: The Adventure of Lenk
quaelin: Next line
quaelin: Hey now rockstar, get your game on
quaelin: Did I forget to water my hibiscus?
quaelin: Goal!
quaelin: More cowbell!
quaelin: Must be techies in the atmosphere
quaelin: Cheering section
quaelin: Nice call, Magoo
quaelin: 3 mins. for overly aggressive sales tactics
quaelin: Le Rocket
quaelin: Da bench
quaelin: All he's missing is a mullet
quaelin: Ian
quaelin: In goal
quaelin: Missing this?
quaelin: Is this penalty #3, Len?
quaelin: Look like an enforcer
quaelin: Bad call