quaelin: Bulk candy bar
quaelin: Wii
quaelin: Inflatable snugs
quaelin: Breakfast
quaelin: Rockband
quaelin: Front row seats
quaelin: Eric Schmidt keynote intro
quaelin: Eric Schmidt, Google CEO
quaelin: Vic Gundotra introduces Jay Sullivan of Mozilla
quaelin: Jay Sullivan, Mozilla VP
quaelin: Michael Abbott, Palm SVP
quaelin: CSS is Awesome
quaelin: Oprah moment
quaelin: Aaron Boodman
quaelin: Developer sandbox booths
quaelin: Google Street View Trike
quaelin: After hours party
quaelin: Dinner buffet
quaelin: Ice cream bar
quaelin: Beanbag chair lounge
quaelin: Lego Mindstorms battlefield
quaelin: Swarm orb
quaelin: Swarm orbs
quaelin: Watching the Swarm orbs demo
quaelin: Remote control
quaelin: Multitouch table computer demo