Aiel: Velvet-fronted nuthatch (Sitta frontalis) , Nelliyampathy, Kerala
Ania Tuzel Photography: Ruby Duby Two
Earl Reinink: In your face!
debsiep1: Dipper
Tom Mortenson: The Chickadee
Steve Arena: Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus himantopus)
Tifaeris: Plongeon arctique (Gavia arctica)
colindalton527: SHORT-EARED OWL
Jeff Rosenberg/M43: White-breasted Nuthatch
tvdflickr: Hats for sale
bernardo7777: 233c-titanit-255b-mitu10x-2led_1_2_3
Sally E J Hunter: Urban Abstract with Meters
SRL Gemtone: Black Sea Agate
pitkin9: Long tailed tit. Yellow #9
T_Woo: Bee-Eater Down the Hatch
bernardo7777: 72b-smithsonit-180B_mitu5x-1led-lk
seanbonner: A moment on the metro
mclcbooks: Otherworldly [Explore]
Paul R. Sanchez: San Jose de Gracia, Las Trampas, New Mexico
Jackie.. ......Griffins Photos: splendid fairy wren
salade aux orties: Quartz enfumé-smoked quartz
abac077: Winter
SWJuk: Z50_7796 - At Crown Point
A tramp in the hills: Cold morning.
Wolfgang Waschler: 2022 - One Photo A Day - 312/365 - „Cabbage No. 2“
cpw123: crystal clear
PascalRoger: Chenonceau au petit matin