transvox: The Football Crowd and the Discreat Police Presence
Scott Youmans: C-47_11-25-92_120CN_1a
Gocha Nemsadze: Panorama
petgroot: Emmerduinen-2 (Ihagee Exa 6)
faulknerlance: Long and Winding Road
petgroot: Kodak Brownie Fiesta - 3
Peter Bellars: Road though the Pines
Polar Noire: │✖││
Greyscale3: Ricoh Super 44, Arista EDU 100
Adolfo Rozenfeld: Retrato nocturno.
Father Pie: 365-2023-091 #1980
AlexBurke: Divide Lake Autumn
adyj: Bus Stop, Craster, Northumberland
vphill: lf_2010-12-19_001
Blackoilblooded: Still green below grey sky
Josef Lex (El buen soldado Švejk): Wien, 1. Bezirk, Burgring, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Museo di Storia dell'Arte, Museo de Historia del Arte de Viena, Musée d'Art Historique de Vienne, Museum of Art History, Muzeum Historii Sztuki w Wiedniu (Burgring/Maria-Theresien-Platz)
OwenLloyd: In colour too
michalis_dk: Chrome Six_06
kens_snaps: Pink geranium
kens_snaps: Wavy Steps, Hebden Bridge
kens_snaps: Tower Works, Leeds
kens_snaps: Corn Exchange, Leeds, 1988 – facing east
ArnabKGhosal: portrait52: Yolanda
Photos_by_Angela: Tree trunk
RealNameLongGone: Tree trunk