Miss M Schneiderhead: Snow cabbage - Thank you again, Mike!
Joélisa: ~~Husky Sibérien~~
GracetheScene2010 (Astrid Ewing Photography): Maxie's reaction when asked to pose for a photo...[Explore]
HHildebrand: A true Nikonian (Explored Nov 30., 2013 #3)
Mark Dumont: Holiday Owl
Astro-Tanja: I Love You
Chris Willis 10: Venice in the Rain (Explore)
Graham Gibson: Fenton perched on the stoop
A.J. Haverkamp: 2013-11-24-13h02m48.272P2271
tobfl: Eying Octopus 2013
brodmann's 17: Lucky find
Stinkersmell: Cute jaguar alert
-N1LS-: shila mohawk hoodie [EXPLORED]
IPM.UK: Grey Seal pup ~ Explore
Cloudtail the Snow Leopard: snow leopard cubs
min': Fluffy Ball
Jules Clark: 312-365-check out my eyelashes
plume-rider (randomly on-line): What a Hoot! [Explore] Thanks!
zackdmb: Fall Palette
Digisnapper (George): A playful Siberian tiger cub at Highland Wildlife Park
Flashbax Twenty Three: The Boneyard
Jose Antonio Gómez: Que te como!!!
Mike Blythe: Little Owl
Digisnapper (George): What a hoot!
IPM.UK: New born ~ Explore