-N1LS-: fritz
-N1LS-: fritz
-N1LS-: Fritz in the jungle
-N1LS-: Honey Pusher I
-N1LS-: Honey Pusher II
-N1LS-: Honey Pusher III
-N1LS-: Honey Pusher IV
-N1LS-: Fritz lurking around in the garden
-N1LS-: stag
-N1LS-: stag
-N1LS-: stag
-N1LS-: stag
-N1LS-: stag
-N1LS-: stag
-N1LS-: Fritz
-N1LS-: Fritz
-N1LS-: Fritz
-N1LS-: Fritz [explored]
-N1LS-: Fritz on a bench
-N1LS-: Fritz.pano
-N1LS-: Fritz - let me in
-N1LS-: Chasing Fritz
-N1LS-: Fritz on his cat tree
-N1LS-: Fritz on his cat tree
-N1LS-: Fritz
-N1LS-: Szeschmo
-N1LS-: Fritz lurking around [explored]
-N1LS-: II
-N1LS-: Cat in the bush [explored]