jacksnipe1990: Rufous-crested Coquette PMS23 Robert McNab.jpg 06-18-2023 0M3A6375 (2)
material guy: ovenbird
lennycarl08: Osprey with Catch
Carlos. B: Parnassius apolo
John Langholz: Flicker Guest
dgangle: Wood Duck Hen - head shot, high res
Anne-Marie Leflaive: Clevedon Pier-through the window!
haroldmoses: Humpback Whale Tail (Megaptera novaeangliae)
jordaso: EUROSTAR de les neus
gr1234: Little elephant
hazza3d: Low flyer
L 1209: The Squatter
tbullipoo: TC4_9011 rearview of house finch
ragalup: Pirincho2
Fabien Baziz: martin pêcheur
Chris Willis 10: Great Spotted Woodpecker Feeding Chick
Kaede Wu: 晨逆攝鷹 ( 鶚 )
LOPEZ LUCIANO 8,000,000 VISITAS.GRACIAS....: Zumbadorcito inmaduro y su madre.(Mellisuga mínima.) Vervain hummingbird.
jacksnipe1990: 02-29-2020 Osprey with trout Laguna Niguel CA 694A1102 (2)
midcheshireman: night express
Hanna Tor: Morro Bay, CA
ToddLahman: Pelican Youngster
Patrick Blondel: Bihoreau gris - Nycticorax nycticorax - Black-crowned night heron
Francisco Alba Suriel: Pato criollo (Cairina moschata) muscovy duck
Robert G. Hurst: WRL_17NOV20189-108324-2_ps
Christine Fusco: Top O' The Mast??? Before storm??? Pellican
John C. Akers jr.: Ruby Throated Hummingbirds
Ian a. Lawrence: The Preacher