Brad Prudhon: Bokeh Balls - (Explored)
txetxugonzalezberrio: basurto planet
txetxugonzalezberrio: lutxaNA roll
gravallonmichel: IMG_0645_DxO_DxO
jesust793: IMG_6874
jesust793: IMG_6872
adrianbott: Stonechat
Cheryl3001: Backyard resident - Explored
mdejesus73: Dancing Lights in Southwestern Ontario
Cheryl3001: sparrow
aliceA321: Soulmate.
Joe Allen Photography: Morelet's Seed Eater
elzbietapacuszka: Walls that have seen a lot...
R. Van Wallendael: Polyommatus icarus
Mike Finkelstein: 2024, a look back
elzbietapacuszka: Spruce Ballet...
gravallonmichel: IMG_0535_DxO
Fantasyfan.: 20240625_07389c
vwiest: Strawflower
vwiest: Cucumber Bug
Mike Finkelstein: the mum day macro
Mike Finkelstein: rock lobster Pair in mind: There's beauty still
Laval Roy: 1.00511 Talégalle de Latham / Alectura lathami lathami / Australian Brush-turkey
fjärilway: J'adore le pastèque! Et tous les fruits!
fjärilway: Holding the sunset.