joel.camara.vilanova: Trabilla Europea
The Owl Man: Sunny Day Hawk Owl
MarjieM777: Mrs. Bluebird coming in for treats
MarjieM777: Purple finch visiting the Morrison buffet
markyf50: BARN OWL
nigel kiteley2011: Pied Wagtail
colin 1957: little grebe
stan sutton: Kakariki IMG_5176
ijmd: Gomphe à pinces septentrional
ijmd: Amblyptilia acanthadactyla
Jim Beers: Carolina Wren
Linda Schlosshauer: Great Gray Owl
Roger Wasley: G-MHCM Enstrom 280FX Shark
Roger Wasley: N840CD Cirrus SR-20 GTS
Roger Wasley: N96RN Daher TBM-940
Bruno Conjeaud: Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove
mineral2150: Red-breasted Nuthatch
Rob Zweers: Pooping Robin
Barbara Evans 7: Barn Owl Tyto alba - Tight Turn
Roger Wasley: Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 bus
Roger Wasley: NCT Yutong E10 bus
davidlawrence15: Blackbird.
Ron Buening: A Long Catch
jlfconceicao: Estorninho preto - Sturnus unicolor - Spotless starling
Jihem19: Grue cendrée
Jihem19: Grue cendrée