fabian.huesser: WILD GARLIC - the 5th season
Heinz Wille: Teehaus
Heinz Wille: Seebrücke Zingst
Johan MTH: It's Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie
alonsodr: Resilience
alonsodr: Time shelter
Paul in Riddlesden: New York Fire Escapes
alter.schwede69: bathing in the night
HarQ Photography: 岩船寺 (Gansen-ji temple)
calderdalefoto: Highland Haze
kevin-palmer: Melstone Supercell
kevin-palmer: Twilightning
pdxsafariguy: A Cascade of Starlight
Darren White Photography: Bend until you break
steinliland: Dancing in the dark
pdxsafariguy: Grand Unveiling
steinliland: Winterscene from Lofoten
steinliland: Cormorants drying their winds
steinliland: Northern lights on sky above Mt.Møntind" at Myrland, Lofoten islands
Paul in Riddlesden: Vancouver skyline at night
kevin-palmer: Wind Mountain Milky Way
lostINmia: Bolts n Stuff
Shreedhar Hegde: Brooklyn Bridge, New York
lostINmia: Everglades lightning 004
Elmo Flem: M31 Andromède
violafoto ♫: heaven is close
Luzf4: Sunrise over Reykjavik Bay