*c*j*: Complètement givrée !!!
John LeClair: Lion Cub Backlit (In Explore January 22, 2025)
Paul Freidel: Lenticular
MichelGuérin: Pic mineur - Downy Woodpecker - Picoides pubescens
Waldemar 62: Resting Male Elephant Seal
NorthernXposure: Clunie Bridge
josemanueldominguez: Balearica regulorum ( grulla coronada )
françoispeyne: En forêt - Acores
Stephen Marcus: Electric Sunset
[Ananabanana]: 20130811 Holy Trinity
Bjartur Vest: When they come crashing
Bjartur Vest: Rolling Fog
Bernie Duhamel: Macaque Monkey - Japan
Bernie Duhamel: Varied Tit - Japan
Bernie Duhamel: Macaque Monkeys - Japan
noates: Abandoned Mill
Heinze Detlef: Natural elegance
john.blake89: Monarch
john.blake89: JWB_7-30-24 Blue Dasher
Manuel Barroso: Iphiclides feisthamelii
SnapsByTodd62: Positano
PietervH: Raccoon butterflyfish
zimmek42: The Staredown
WestEndFoto: Will You Kiss Me?
shutterfish: Time To Go