George Probst: Distant
dawvonism: 🇨🇦🍂 Awenda Provincial Park | Ontario
kaising_fung: Badland entrance
mda'skaly: Iceland - Hvalnes
PeeblesPair: Life is a Ticket to the Greatest Show on Earth
balthasart.marc: The road
Laura Jacobsen: Clackamas
yabberdab: Stormbringen
SASPhotography67: Natures Camouflage…
James Neeley: First Light at Red Rock
cowgirlrightup: Chasing Sparkles in the Snow
davisrickcharlesallan: Winter's Road
Patrik Seiler: ENDLESS JOURNEY - Nowhere, USA
Dennis van Dijk: Kinderdijk - The Netherlands
-JRL- Photo's: I’m Tired
-JRL- Photo's: Trail to Adventure
-JRL- Photo's: Desert Treasure
-JRL- Photo's: Take the Long Way Home
-JRL- Photo's: Dashing Through the Snow
karindebruin: Winter Dunes!
Landscape Photography Magazine: Kannaraville Falls, Utah, USA By Derrick Snider
janicelemon793: amber grass macro
Jens Schröter: Amanita Muscaria
Jens Schröter: Gruppenfoto
Hans Kruse Photography: Dunes at sunrise
ken.helal: Bald Eagle Maintaining Its Balance on a Windy Day
Nick Livesey Mountain Images: On Crimpiau - Snowdonia - Wales
GerlindeSch: lonely beach
Brad Eide: looking out to sea . . .