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albums of NRG_energy
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Birding with Andy Sigler DuPage and Kane Counties (Snowy and Cattle Egrets) 5/18/14
Birding with Lynne Remington and Dan Kassebaum around Carlyle Lake 4/27/14
Grundy County Little Gull 3/26/14
Birding Kane and McHenry County with Brendon Lake 3/19/14
Birding Central Illinois with Andy Sigler 3/15/14
Birding Southeastern Illinois with Andy Sigler 3/7/14
Birding Kendall County with Andrew Aldrich and Andy Sigler 3/1/14
COS trip to the Chicago Academy of Sciences 2/8/14
Birding Kane County 2/6/14
Birding North Ave. Beach, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois 2/2/14
Birding Will and Grundy Counties with Geoff Williamson 2/2/14
Kane County Harlequin Duck 1/20/14
Birding Central and Southern Illinois with Andy Sigler 12/21/13-12/23/13
Townsend's Solitaire at Jon Duerr Forest Preserve, Kane County, Illinois 11/8/13
Birding with Andy Sigler Iroquois and Vermilion Counties 11/3/13
Pelagic on Lake Michigan
Impromptu Carlyle Lake Pelagic 9/7/13
Birding trips to Winnebago County and West-Central Illinois
Unidentified Longspur from Bartel
Birding Coles county with Jeff Skrentny 2/9/13
Carlyle Lake IOS Field Trip
Mystery Redpoll
Bohemian Waxwing at Chicago Botanical Gardens 11/9/12
Montrose Black-legged Kittiwake 11/3/12
Passerine Photography with Dan Kassebaum in South Shore State Park, Carlyle, IL
Willet from Montrose (Now at the Field Museum)
ILYB Trip to McHenry Dam and Volo Bog 7/7/12
Birding IL with Jeff Skrentny and Randy Shonkweiler 6/30/12
Middlefork Savanna, Deer Grove West, and Bluff Spring Fen 6/24/12
Inland Marsh 6/10/12
Indiana Dunes State Park and Pinhook Bog with Tom Kelly and Mom 6/9/12
Birding Cook County with Josh Engel 6/2/12
North Pond and Alfred Cauldwell Lily Pond 5/20/12
Track and Field Meet at Ridgewood 4/27/12
Confrence Meet at Benedictine University 5/4/12
Track and Field Meet at Luther North 4/14/12
Cook County Birdathon 5/12/12
Montrose (Marbled Godwits and Piping Plover) 4/14/12
Birding the Lakefront with Chris and Geoff 4/15/12
Douglas Park Elaenia Sp. 4/19/12
Yanacocha with Santiago Molina 3/19/12
Ecuador Birding the Quito Botanical Gardens 3/18/12
ILYB DuPage County Trip 3/3/12
Yard Posssible HOARY Redpoll 1/23/12
COS Trip 1/21/12
Northerly Island, 11/23/11
The Gyllenhaal's House (Broad-tailed Hummingbird), 11/22/11
Montrose (Snowy Owl), 11/20/11
Northerly Island (Brewer's Sparrow), 11/12/11
IBSP Hawkwatch (Mountain Bluebird), 11/10/11
Banding Northern Saw-whet Owls at Indiana Dunes State Park, 10/22/11
Montrose (Red-necked Grebe) 10/22/11
Montrose (Sage Thrasher), 10/29/11
Birding with Joel Greenberg in Lake County and then at Montrose (Sage Thrasher), 10/30/11
Geoff Williamson's Birthday Bash (Montrose and his House), 10/15/11
Montrose (Yellow Rail), 10/18/11
Montrose (Le Conte's Sparrow), 10/11/11
Montrose (Western Sandpiper) 10/6/11
Birding at Montrose and Jackson Park/Wooded Isle (Green-tailed Towhee) with Josh Engel, 10/1/11
IOS Carlyle Lake Pelagic, 9/24/11 to 9/25/11
IOS Carlyle Lake Pelagic, 9/24/11 to 9/25/11
Birding and the Beach Sweep at Montrose, 9/17/11
Birding in France
Birding with Sam Burckhardt at Montrose, H and E Sod Farm, and Genoa Sod Farms, 8/27/11
Banding Hummingbirds with Kelly Bryan at the McIvor Campground, Davis Mountains Conservancy Property on 7/17/11
Montrose Red Knot's 8/23/11
Birding with Chris and Geoff 8/21/11
Birding in France
Birding Bois de Vincennes, Paris, France 7/31/11
Oding with Carl Freeman Benzie County, Michigan 6/26/11
Birding South Pond 7/4/11
Oding with Carl Freeman Benzie and Manistee Counties, Michigan 6/25/11
Oding with Carl Freeman 6/21/11
Birding with Keith Westphal Benzie and Manistee Counties 6/22/11
Indiana Dunes State Park 6/11/11 to 6/12/11
Birding McHenry and Kane Counties with geoff and Chris 6:5:11
ILYB Trip to Montrose and Jarvis 5/28/11
Birding the Palos Area 5/22/11
Waterfall Glen
ILYB NW Cook County 4/17/11
Long-tailed Duck Museum Campus 2/13/11
Birds of Ecuador
Birding with Keith in Benzie County, Michigan
Rare Birds
White Sox Game 7/27/10
Camp Chiricahua