NRG_energy: About 300 Coots at Osprey Lake
NRG_energy: About 300 Coots at Osprey Lake
NRG_energy: Northern Pintail
NRG_energy: Red Crossbill
NRG_energy: Red Crossbill
NRG_energy: Red Crossbill
NRG_energy: Bonaparte's Gull
NRG_energy: Bonaparte's Gull
NRG_energy: Mom and Joel Greenberg
NRG_energy: Red-tailed Hawk
NRG_energy: Sandhill Crane
NRG_energy: They were pretty tame!
NRG_energy: They were pretty tame!
NRG_energy: Sandhill Crane
NRG_energy: Sandhill Cranes
NRG_energy: Me and Mom
NRG_energy: Me and Joel Greenberg
NRG_energy: A weird Caterpillar
NRG_energy: Red-necked Grebe
NRG_energy: Three Bufflehead and one Common Goldeneye (on far left)
NRG_energy: Three Bufflehead and one Common Goldeneye (on far right)
NRG_energy: Three Bufflehead and one Common Goldeneye (on far right)
NRG_energy: Common Loon
NRG_energy: John Purcell going to look at a weird American Robin that could have been a possible Eyebrowed Thrush (turned out to be a totally different bird overall!)
NRG_energy: Just another American Robin
NRG_energy: Common Redpoll
NRG_energy: Sage Thrasher
NRG_energy: Sage Thrasher
NRG_energy: Sage Thrasher