NRG_energy: Damselfly Sp.
NRG_energy: Blue Dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis)
NRG_energy: Hornet Sp.? This thing was about 3-4 inches long
NRG_energy: Eastern Pondhawk (Erythemis simplicicollis)
NRG_energy: Blue Dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis)
NRG_energy: Blue Dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis)
NRG_energy: Hennepin and Hopper
NRG_energy: Woodhouse's Toad
NRG_energy: Hummingbird Moth Sp.
NRG_energy: Hummingbird Moth Sp.
NRG_energy: Hummingbird Moth Sp.
NRG_energy: Hummingbird Moth Sp.
NRG_energy: Chorus Frog?
NRG_energy: Bald Eagle
NRG_energy: Blackbird flock
NRG_energy: Common Green Darner (Anax junius)
NRG_energy: Silver-spotted Skipper
NRG_energy: Marsh Wren
NRG_energy: Someone who finds it fun to keep Elk instead of cows...
NRG_energy: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
NRG_energy: Silver-spotted Skipper
NRG_energy: Black Saddlebags(Tramea lacerata)
NRG_energy: Grasshopper Sp.
NRG_energy: Buff Breasted Sandpipers
NRG_energy: Airplane
NRG_energy: Silver-spotted Skipper
NRG_energy: Orange Sulfur
NRG_energy: Orange Sulfur
NRG_energy: Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel
NRG_energy: Common Grackle