Ah Wei (Lung Wei): Warm Sunrise Light
Ludo M: Lyon - France IMG_3973
Suzuki san: Odaiba Cityscape
V Photography and Art: Early morning winter sun
Richard Hunter ARPS: pescatore di Venezia re visited
SweeP_64: Une fleur pour Luc / A flower for Luc.
michellelynn: Colonia Door
johndanielphoto: Zoomin' to Rockies (explored)
William Dunigan: san diego : solana beach
ChicagoBob46: Taking a little R and R {Explored}
Aymeric Gouin: The Ridge
Jaykhuang: Rolling Hills Sunrise
Wladimir_J: DarkSpace
NessSlipknot: Refugio de estrellas
jason_frye: Tremont, Smoky Mountains [Explored]
Mark Fearnley Photography: Wet Beach Reflection (4) GOA
Stéphane Lollivier: La défense- Paris [Explore 01/12/2016]
Lothbrok's Yen: NoLightShinesBrighterThanTheLightOfForgiveness
sjs61: The Selfie Generation
SEALED115: i saw the devil
Brad Eide: Shoreline Sunrise Symmetry . . . Explore 30-11-2016 #3
Jerry Fryer: Railay Bay Sunset
www.fabienrouire.com: Hello World !
www.fabienrouire.com: Metro - Paris - France
www.fabienrouire.com: Town Hall - Paris
yachtpagos: Sunset at Gunung Raya Langkawi
higordepadua: Sunrise @ #Grumari #Beach #RiodeJaneiro #Brazil
suerowlands2013: Alone - Seaton Beach, S.E. Cornwall