yachtpagos: The perfect night for reflections.
yachtpagos: Sultry
yachtpagos: The sound of water splashing on the rocks below.
yachtpagos: There's nothing like watching the sun go down to revitalise the soul.
yachtpagos: The beauty and tranquility of time sitting watching the sunset.
yachtpagos: There is nothing more wonderful than Chinese tea.
yachtpagos: Rows of fragrant coffee beans.
yachtpagos: Taking photos in black and white can change our perspective.
yachtpagos: A street in Dijon
yachtpagos: Sunset from the rocks
yachtpagos: The rainy season is coming to an end
yachtpagos: Sailing the coast of Malaysia
yachtpagos: A gap on the clouds offers a glimmer of light.
yachtpagos: Swans in flight
yachtpagos: The beautiful beach in the north of Phuket. Get the chance go for it.
yachtpagos: Seven Wells, Langkawi Malaysia
yachtpagos: Just outside Hat Yai (explore)
yachtpagos: From high on the hill
yachtpagos: Cooking the outdoor way in Hanoi Vietnam
yachtpagos: Tribes lady on a Saturday night at the market in Sapa Vietnam
yachtpagos: Playing Chinese Checkers
yachtpagos: Con Caphe meeting for love
yachtpagos: Amazing evening in Langkawi
yachtpagos: Sunset over Gunung Raya Langkawi
yachtpagos: Riding over the rice terraces
yachtpagos: Looking down perched, this view of the rice terraces unfolded as the clouds parted. SAPA VIETNAM is the place to visit if you have the time. Don't miss it, to me its one of the wonders of the world
yachtpagos: The food here in Hanoi is amazing
yachtpagos: The golden hour .
yachtpagos: And the sky turned to blood
yachtpagos: Clouds start forming as the sunsets.