SBA73: Marganell negatiu / Negative graveyard
efo: Furrs Mill
efo: Mop
efo: Back Run World Revival Center Calotype Nº 1 inverse
paperlink: Family portrait 6
efo: Glasgow Moose Lodge
efo: Flags for the 4th
paperlink: In her garden
SBA73: Casalot a Sant Martí / Bleak house
SBA73: El calotip de l'alzina / Oak calotype
efo: Lone Jack tetrad calotype
efo: Church Bus Calotype
efo: House in Estaline Valley
efo: Natural Chimneys Nº 1 calotype
SBA73: Estanyol en negatiu / First 18x24cm calotype
efo: Millboro Bank calotype
efo: Eagle Rock Kilns Nº 1
efo: Bath Iron Works Furnace
efo: Buffalo forge mill
SBA73: Calotip a la fusta / "Wooden" calotype
SBA73: Tarda a Sant Feliu / Afternoon in St. Feliu
SBA73: Sant Esteve neogòtic / Neogothic church of St. Esteve
efo: Glasgow Coaling Tower and freight
paperlink: The white town
paperlink: Trappegata, Risør. Sunday Oct 9, 2022
SBA73: Detalls, tot i la foscor / Detailed, even with general darkness
paperlink: Pumpkins 2021
paperlink: Contrast corrections in salt printing
paperlink: Blondehuset, Bergen. West Norway 2021
paperlink: Blondehuset, Bergen 2021