marjorie64: Autumn Scenes-9
M0JRA: J78A0517
inthepublicdomain: 14437770536_0d0e822b5c_o
dgangle: Wood Duck Drake - high res close up
Stu Bo: hand tooling...
tosakan2000: SAM_7207
BioDivLibrary: n328_w1150
BioDivLibrary: n617_w1150
Stu Bo: a good catch...
Stu Bo: the art of flying...
Andrea Kennard: Misty Urban Mountain Hop
Stu Bo: citrus...
perozzo photo: Dignity of Earth and Sky B&W
BioDivLibrary: n259_w1150
BioDivLibrary: n38_w1150
BioDivLibrary: n10_w1150
B-Kay: Mini junk journal
BioDivLibrary: n294_w1150
farbemalerin1: IMG_7625
Images by MK: Gaslight Patterns
perozzo photo: Ah Nuts
Stu Bo: getting stoned...
Images by MK: Spiralling
Stu Bo: I spy...
perozzo photo: Obvious 2017 Aug. 21 ~ Solar prominences at the end of totality, the Great American Eclipse