Donina: blue
k g h s f: the ritz
davemacintosh: whitestone, #1
tearapen73: storm clouds
u.linder: extraterrestrial
dakgirl1: Scenery
dakgirl1: Better buy gas
dakgirl1: Brownie at the fair
Miss Plum: walkin' home
yotababy: A Warm Glow In A Cool Room
yotababy: Cooling Down (Warming Up)
yotababy: You Need A Guide, Who Needs A Map
svanes: copenhagen, islands brygge, public pool
Nils Jorgensen: lightfittings
Nils Jorgensen: brightspot
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: pier, lights, night
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: Top Of The Hall
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: chair and doorway
dannywartnaby: How Birds stay warm in Winter.
bruce grant: one in two...
bruce grant: doors and windows of fishtown #2...
dannywartnaby: Early morning #1