Neil Bernhart [dextr]: We climbed many stairs at Hike The Halo this morning in memory of my friend Sean's sister Heather and to raise funds to cure Cystic Fibrosis. Proud to be a part of team Chino CrossFit/Heathers Helpers. @sp_murphy34 @melanie_bernhart
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: Brody hittin' the waves on our camping trip.
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: We're so proud of you @laurenbernie ❤️❤️
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: Hard to believe that my little girl is graduating next week! Doesn't seem that long ago that I was rocking her to sleep. It's cliche, but I swear all I did was blink and she's all grown up. So very proud of the wonderful person she's become and I know th
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: Thank you @kb41786 for teaming up with me for my first CF competition! Your strength helped push me to go harder. And big thx to all my CCF family out there cheering and motivating us! I had so much fun and can't wait for the next one. #chinocrossfit #cro
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: So, Brody needs glasses for some far-sighted vision. I think we're looking pretty sharp.
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: Just us boys hangin' out havin' some beers. Witbier for me, root beer for B. Looks like he picked out clothes to match me (again). #beerstagram #instabeer
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: Baseball time! #ponybaseball #baseball #chinohills
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: Some of Brody's homework. He had to write about and draw his favorite food. "My fud is backen. I like backen. It is gud. It is yume." That's my boy!! #ig2fb #bacon
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: Me and my sexy lady. #ig2fb
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: Goofy guys hanging out having lunch at Brody's favorite. #ig2fb
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: Ready for Opening Day! Go Black Sox!!
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: Hangin' in the pits at Supercross. #ig2fb
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: Just us dudes #ig2fb
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: Brody had a blast at Tank's party today. The firetruck was his fave!
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: Me and Mel (at Rene's Tie Party) #vscocam
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: People say this little guy looks like me. Hmmm... I don't see it. #ig2fb
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: A Bernhart tradition: Christmas sandwiches called Belegte Berote, which translates to "covered bread". It's essentially a sodium bomb on bread. Definitely an acquired taste, I start craving these in early December. #GermanFood #ig2fb
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: PJs for Polar Express day at school. #ig2fb
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: The famous Hungry Boy cookies. Christmas tradition in Melanie's family.
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: Brody was so excited to load up his new Boombah baseball bag this morning. Our fundraisers help us get equipment like the bag and new pullover jackets for all of the players. #baseball
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: Brody heard the ice cream truck, got off of his bike, and stood at the end of our cul de sac and stood with his hands up to wait for it. 20 minutes later he got his ice cream. #ig2fb
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: Suppose I should get a pic of this beard before I shave it off in a few days.
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: Just making silly faces, move along.
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: New helmet and jersey! The boys look good today. Let's hope they play as good. #ig2fb
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: Daddy's Helper #ig2fb
Neil Bernhart [dextr]: My recipe for cooling off: Put 1 beer into your hand. Place yourself into a pool. Add beer if necessary (most likely). #ig2fb