svanes: september 11, 2018. new york city
svanes: ditch plains, montauk, july 2018
svanes: ‪summer hours.‬
svanes: new york on a summer thursday.
svanes: "in the stillness of remembering of what you had and what you lost and what you had and what you lost"
svanes: tuesday evening, havemeyer street.
svanes: on the ceiling above grand central terminal, a single tile intentionally left unrestored as a reminder of what was there before: the entire surface obscured by decades worth of dirt and grime, nicotine and tobacco residue.
svanes: done with the rain.
svanes: the london underground and the paris métro. works in progress.
svanes: friday morning illustrations.
svanes: though it is spring, the weather this morning was definitively wintry.
svanes: we have set the bar too low for what we call a blizzard. #winterstormstella
svanes: a new round of tests to hopefully confirm that i don't have MS. should be careful for what i wish for, however. the initial assessment today from the EMG and electrical impulse tests confirms nerve damage on the left side of my body...
svanes: first day of the last month.
svanes: amagansett, east of the square.
svanes: la belle indifférence.
svanes: jeg ku' jo sætte hårdt mod hårdt ta' andet navn og flytte bort la' tiden gå sin gang og fanden ta' dig
svanes: we will love stronger. #subwaytherapy #election2016
svanes: subway therapy, ever expanding. #subwaytherapy
svanes: a portrait of the president-elect
svanes: tens of thousands of protesters gathered right now at union square. mostly students but an entire range of people are present, shouting "not my president!" and "fuck your wall!"
svanes: this country has put someone who brags about sexual assault into the white house. #imwithher #election2016
svanes: hillary won the popular vote. more americans voted for her than against her. #imwithher #election2016
svanes: block party at president and clinton (president street and ckibton street). there's an annoying batch of trump supporters here as well. #electionday #election2016 #imwithher
svanes: election day in brooklyn, i'm with her
svanes: election day in brooklyn as polls open
svanes: coco's back house.
svanes: sunday evening, santiago.
svanes: snow on the mountains east of santiago. #ixdawards #juryweekend
svanes: your flute will be well served in santiago.