ericrstoner: Canine companionship . . .
Shutterbuglette: "Out of the darkness into His marvelous Light"
Richard Pilon: 33 Years Married
cowgirlrightup: Promise Land (Bull's name)
Dan Haug: Fox Alert
gowersaint: A grave matter
Richard Pilon: Charlottenburgh Park Trails
Bill Anderson :-): Squamish Annual Veterans Pow Wow
kennethcanada1: That'll Be Take Out, Please
411 Operator: That's not a bird!!
Dan Haug: Nightfall in Gamla Stan
deanspic: A Canadian Chair
missymandel: Blue jay
cowgirlrightup: I Got This!
Dan Haug: Reflections of Manotick
missymandel: Chilcotin Country Grizzly
Richard Pilon: High Falls Park Selfie
cowgirlrightup: Chief On High Alert
Phil Selby: A Present from the Past
Phil Selby: The Cove
cowgirlrightup: Mudslinger
cowgirlrightup: Seeing Double (Bronc's name)
lynn.h.armstrong: Heaven n' Hell
Dan Haug: Eliminator
HarQ Photography: Rain rose garden
Dan Haug: Exploring our stories
Dan Haug: And now for some colour
cowgirlrightup: Success Story