Mientras tú dormías visité tu mente:
Orchids in my window
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia:
Schlimia jasminodora in situ during a mini 2 days tour I guided for some people who came to observe colombian nature. Impossible to be unsensitive to the beauty of orchids, Aroids, Gesneriads and Bromeliads on the way. Valle del Cauca dept, Colombia.
Angraecum conchiferum, Zomba-1.jpg
der LichtKlicker:
Cloud Explosion
Lepanthes2010... 7,800,000 VIEWS:
A real parasite on Achillea plants.. this is Orobanche purpurea.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia:
Campylocentrum affine micranthum observed in the wild during a 7 days "Orchids and Nature" Tour I organized and guided in Valle del Cauca department, Colombia.
Svetlana B.:
Coelogyne cristata
Mientras tú dormías visité tu mente:
[Explore] Clowesia warscewiczii
Mauro Rosim:
Cattleya warscewiczii semi-alba
Mauro Rosim:
Cattleya Hardyana 'White Face'
Encyclia trachycarpa
Eric Hunt.:
Taxodium distichum
Mientras tú dormías visité tu mente:
Catasetum maculatum seedpoods
species orchids:
Dendrobium speciosum 'Sturt' ACM AOC