hanley.will: Portrait of a Rabbit
David H58: Milky Way in Arches
Trevor Dobson: Crux & Carina at Lake Norring, Western Australia
Cherryl.B: Chaos de Nimes-le-Vieux, causses Méjean, Lozère
Mitch Tillison Photography: San Juan Mountains near Lake City, Colorado
Mitch Tillison Photography: Watchful doe at Flint Ridge
frankastro: M81-80ED_Esprit_ASI1600MC_Ircut_52x240s-20220101
CaptDanger: Windmill under the stars
CaptDanger: A cabin under the stars
Mitch Tillison Photography: Snowy Sunday at Chewey, Oklahoma
Mitch Tillison Photography: Abandoned church at Kansas, Oklahoma
AccessDen1ed: Polar winds reach
PeterThoeny: The immediacy of the moment
lortopalt: Waiting in my car, the driver loads his truck with wood chips.
Trevor Dobson: Star Trails at Emu Downs Wind Farm - Cervantes, Western Australia
Eric Bénier-Bürckel: « Te connaître. Susciter en toi une mutation. Et par cela même, repousser les limites, trancher tes entraves, te désapproprier de toi-même tout en te construisant un visage. Créer ainsi les conditions d’une vie plus vaste, plus haute, plus libre. »
ckang69: GTI_6841 Beauty and the sky
Mitch Tillison Photography: Analesa at White Sands (Infinite Color edit)
SCSQ4: Milky Way at Font's Point
frankastro: IMG_2585_tonemapped
frankastro: IMG_1534
frankastro: Eclipse de lune 20190717-5
Jose R. Sandoval ONYXONE Photography: Death Rides A Pale Cow
Jose R. Sandoval ONYXONE Photography: How Hard Is It For A Desert To Die