BryanAlexander: ChatGPT University
75kombi: trunk - plane tree
cogdogblog: Are You Gonna Put That Phone Away and Walk?
solomon.trainin: Winter day in Haifa, December 12-8-2024 5-03-20 PM
ozipital: Ganges Morning Walk-4
Bracus Triticum: Rowdy Boys Roughhousing
sridgway: Beer at Narrabri
walter 7.8.1956: Bahnhof Palésieux
cogdogblog: A Short Hop This Time
by_no_means_a_photographer: July 2024. Nukunu Country, South Australia.
Darren Schiller: Defying Gravity
contemplari1940: Flowering Jacaranda at Prospect, South Australia
JohnJennings995: 918 broad-nosed weevils on Eucalyptus incrassata, Monarto CP, Monarto South SA
Ralph Apeldoorn: Pakistani trucks in Sost
susanvg: Some of my Recorders
contemplari1940: Photograph of Cyril Stobie - the inventor of steel and concrete poles named for him and patented 1924 by him. 2024 is Stobie Pole Centenary year. South Australia
solomon.trainin: Stilt 10-3-2024 9-18-049
75kombi: MAURUS - ghost sign
by_no_means_a_photographer: July 2023. Nukunu Country, South Australia.
Ralph Apeldoorn: Flamingo
lkasyan: President Biden Speech 7.24.2024
75kombi: guitar man
BryanAlexander: Bryan buried alive
Popplio728: Holden EH - Colouring Picture
jbeaulieu: Pohang 4-Millénaire (4)
leogaggl: total dissonance
BoeingFan7879: USAF B-2 Stealth Bomber "Spirit of Alaska" 90-0040
spelio: Been meaning to read this before I die.
Christoph Wenzel: Auditorium
Bracus Triticum: Ring of Flowers Around Tree