evakongshavn: A straw
FotographyKS!: Of all the rights of women...the greatest is to be a mother!
Hugo Bononi: La esperanza
Mr B Eyes open: Live & love yr life in the presence of this light. Live every day as if it’s yr last. Accept the past, is the past. Giving today every chance to be the beginning of the rest of yr life. All days, all ways, in all lights colours & shades be yr light
Mr B Eyes open: The inseparable bond between dog & owner, its similar to us & our mind. We’re the owners & minds the dog. The more me respect, nurture & are consciously aware, utilising the beautiful instrument that our mind is, the less the mind will react to oneself
Mr B Eyes open: Kick back your heals & shoes, have fun at your parties & enjoy your moments on this beautiful New Year’s Eve celebration across the world. Peace, Love, Respect & Equality for all. One humanity as One world One Love & One Light. Happy 2018
Almodovar Photography: Droid :) Lachnopus sp.
pedrosimoes7: Here you could have posted a Poem (2017)
Hugo Bononi: Atilio
Motivsammler: Nordisch
FotoGrazio: Orchard Weaver Spider
yannick.houssard: My first fireworks
FotographyKS!: Rain washed pretty Pink Rose of Janjehli, Himalayas!
Remote Expeditions (Tristan Quevilly): Valle del Cocora Salento - Humming Bird : Never tired ! 🇨🇴