Liang Hung Ma: Street light & Bird(turtledove)
jpboiste: lightroom_1929_ Musée d'Orsay
jpboiste: lightroom_1930_ Musée d'Orsay
koen_jacobs: Passenger
Laval Roy abroad until Dec,04: 1.06215 Chouette rayée / Strix varia varia / Barred Owl
malioli: When Sun touch the Earth
malioli: Every day one shot!
VitorJK: Krakow Main Square - UNESCO World Heritage Site in Poland - N6886
Marcello Consolo: Grapholita compositella (Fabricius, 1775)
mario_restrepo: Purple-throated woodstar - Calliphlox mitchellii
mario_restrepo: Red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus)
qurlyjoe: Great Horned Owl
qurlyjoe: Screech Owl mama & owlet
Crazybittern1: Male Kingfisher
malioli: Every day one shot!
coach48: Farfalla & Orchidea
Excalibur67: Quand l'automne pose ses teintes éclatantes sur les feuillages
rolfspicture: Trees over the Clouds in B&W
georgia markantonaki: Colias crocea
georgia markantonaki: aricia agestis
alpi25: Melitaea didyma
malioli: Like a fish bones
lennycarl08: Hawk in Flight #138
michaeldantesalazar: Great Horned Owl
david cawthraw: Upupa epops
Noor Hussain.: The Barn Owl.