ferdinandpaolo: National Museum of Korea, Seoul
marco sees things: Love you too - can I go now?
borsalino1951: _DSC5456-1
borsalino1951: Copia_DSC5518-1
mamzellelouison: Macro Monday : L like light - lumière
sensdessusdessous: Macro Mondays "The first letter of my name" - Sand, shell and the sound of sea"
Elizabeth Sallee Bauer: Just a man and his puppy
mark letheren: Lazy Sunday
pipilongstockings: Taking a break
dog ma: Tank's new dog bed
angheloflores: Amsterdam
Gure Elia: Alone
rosiehardy: Hands All Over
borsalino1951: _DSC4887
aleshurik: quiet afternoon... (from the workshop in Denmark)
aleshurik: Lazy day...
aleshurik: Scotland. 2016.
aleshurik: Night in Aalborg.. (the picture from my workshop in Denmark.)
aleshurik: ...missing summer...
aleshurik: Wind on Surrey Hills... (from my workshop in London)
aleshurik: Streets of Catalonia... (from my workshop in Spain)
aleshurik: The big sister... (from the workshop in London)
Bernardo del Palacio: New York, New York
My Planet Experience: Behind a smile - Madagacar
Olia P: Mari