kennethcanada1: Friendship.
kennethcanada1: Bandido 1
kennethcanada1: Have A Good Canada Day, Everyday.
kennethcanada1: Love Oaxaca.
kennethcanada1: Good Friends, Seattle And Vancouver.
PeterYoung1.: Spinning amongst the Stars
Graham S Paton: Canal boat house
Chief Bwana: Feathered dendrites
mclcbooks: Cheetah
bernieboutin: Sun is ready to Shine
wild prairie man: 2412_1356 Plains Bison & Magpie
Chiew L: Frosty morning
Harold Davis: Reflections #3
Harold Davis: Harold Davis Wall Mural
Ken Krach Photography: Valley of the Gods Sunset
Ken Krach Photography: Cardinal in the Snow
Harold Davis: Osteospermum
Ken Krach Photography: Eagle and Meal
Clayton Perry Photoworks: Saturday On The Beach
Deborah Freeman: last of the kingfisher series.
Deborah Freeman: kingfisher different wing position.
Deborah Freeman: Red-winged black bird
andredekesel: Marpissa
.^.Blanksy: British Columbia .. Canada
Buddha's Ghost: Season's Greetings
Harry2010: Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site
s0340248: DSC44828 Frühjahr 2023
EOS1DsIII: Halle 3 Messe Frankfurt Dachkonstruktion
Steven Olmstead: Summit Lake