Urban Florida Photographer: City of Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA
Omygodtom: Natural Colours.
andriot.jac: Agrions
Ed Rizer: 1fst3
dan.weisz: Great Horned Owl
angeloalmeida2010: DSCF6716-29-05-24
Virginia Rivers: Cinnamon Teal (Anas cyanoptera)
David A Jahn: Yellow-headed Caracara (Daptrius chimachima)
Vladimir Vulf: DSC06279
Vladimir Vulf: DSC06768
Vladimir Vulf: DSC06688
Vladimir Vulf: DSC05753
Nate.Arnold: Florida Scrub Jay (Juvenile)
pf.paulofernandez: DSS07103 F
Victoria Morrow: Barn swallow calling
Victoria Morrow: House sparrow with a nice breakfast
ThatsRick: Lewis' Woodpecker - Up Close & Personal
peterstratmoen: _DSC5459
Mike_FL: Mom and two chicks
dcstep: Grey Catbird
_Random_Clicks_: Alexander Parrot very common here in India and I just love ❤️ looking them flying and doing acrobats while flying !!!
gskipperii: big sur tidepool wm
clambert1000: Tortues
Ike Walker: Whitetail Doe Portrait
cuppyuppycake: Church Fox
Dave913: Falmouth, Cornwall UK.