boonloke: SCREECHER
kentbabb: Dessert Sentinal
/........./: Phantom Of The Paradise
Steffen Walther: Puffin portrait
Ron Winkler nature: Meadow pipit (Anthus pratensis) Graspieper
Lesley Danford: Ethereal Flight - blurred wings over rolling waters
J Noah: Snow Geese Blast Off
Arttu Uusitalo: Freezing dusk
Paweł Alars: Melody of the Sunset
Martin Kaehrle: Semipalmated Plover (Charadrius semipalmatus)
Dave_Lawrence: Oak Titmouse---Baeolophus inornatus
wesleybarr1962: passport photo, No smiling...........
boonloke: SCRUBBY
boonloke: ONE AND MANY
dwb838: Great Gray Owl
philippe.soriano: The Breath of the Crow
Torok_Bea: Nagy kócsag (Ardea alba, Egretta alba, Casmerodius albus)
Linda DV: South African White Ostrich (Struthio camelus domesticus)
Scuba`Steve`: Kestrel....Codnor Park Reservoir, Derbyshire
cazalegg: Siskin (Male) - Carduelis spinus
Solchlo 64: Chevêche d'Athéna
Wolvenpolder 2023: Lieveheersbeestje
bud_marschner: Sandhill Crane_4S1A4487
bud_marschner: Pine Grosbeak_4S1A6916
bud_marschner: Creamer's Farm House_4S1A5934
robertlype: Outside the Box
robertlype: Rode good when Parked
bedeauannabelle: Brume Matinale