Nuno Xavier Moreira: Andorinha-dos-beirais, Common house martin (Delichon urbicum)
Berduu: 518790_20171023221205_1
Berduu: theHunterCotW_F 2017-10-24 00-01-29
fotos_by_toddi: milkyway
stphanielegay: yume - akita inu
Ronny Garcia Moron: "Web spider II"
廖法蘭克: LEICA ELMARIT-MACRO-R 100mm f2.8 APO_201702180016
In Memoriam: FISHERMAN'S PASSION AND OPEN NATURE..: ARROYO LAS NUTRIAS......toma en CHOLILA -Cholila .Chubut -Patagonia Argentina..
engrjpleo: Niludhan Falls
Ronny Garcia Moron: "Don't look out for me"
OR_U: It was just like yesterday
OR_U: Can you hear the bells of love?
Marcel Bakker: God? #3 (Explored)
jmishefske: BuffleheadTakeoff
Andrea Moscato: Horseshoe Falls View - Niagara Falls (Ontario, Canada)
Croix-roussien: After the rain Wiener Riesenrad <3
OR_U: And the songs that she sang in the shower are stuck in my head
Andrea Moscato: Niagara View - Niagara Falls (Ontario, Canada)
OR_U: Over and over it slips bye
Croix-roussien: Magnolia flowers
stphanielegay: Yume & Fiasko : Best friend
Croix-roussien: Flooded banks of the river Saone