Greg Paul 69:
Our National Bird
captured by bond:
David Renwald:
Nikon FE - Ektar 100 desaturated - Columbia Gorge
Richard M. Glover:
Chevrolet pickup, Hollow Creek Tree Farm, Gilbert, SC
Quan Yuan Photo:
David Renwald:
Memorial - Konica IIIa
Small and Beautiful:
Spoon like petals
Robin Hood's Bay
St Stephens Dom
Andrew JK Tan:
Green Peafowl | Chiangmai
David Renwald:
Yellow-rumped Warbler
David Renwald:
Sultan Sultani:
Male Spotted Towhee
Greg Paul 69:
Fog on the Lake
Joshua Johnston Photography:
Downy Creek Falls
Hulya in Portland:
Our friendly neighborhood theater :)
J. A. Robertson:
Nantucket Lightship LV-112 (1935), Oyster Bay, New York
Phil's Pixels:
Two Medicine
David Renwald:
Nikon FE - Kodak Ektar 100
view [ + ] finder:
Le Quartier Petit Champlain, Vieux-Québec