Martin Sercombe: The Fisherman
Frank van Dongen: Woman in white
badgerov8000: DSCF4736
badgerov8000: DSCF4742
scottwin01: Brambling & Chaffinch in the Blizzard
blue bubble: Wollensak-Dumont CRO Oscillo-Anastigmat 75mm f1.9 #1-1
rabato: calabaza con caballo
zimwizdotcom: Bubbly Bokeh Jane
CVIja(x): Eli's Afternoon Portrait
badgerov8000: DSCF1747
zimwizdotcom: Can we play now?
rabato: Gwen
rabato: Guillamon 02
Paulemans: Wild tulips in evening light
Ney Bokeh: Meyer Optik Diaplan 100mm 3 adapted to Sony E-mount: the poor man E-mount Trioplan
Stefan Zwi.: Rose - Rosa
Paulemans: Take me to the Bridge
Marc Sabat: The Actress
Mo Alam: would puzzle a (Cornish) monkey
CVIja(x): Yet Another Fenced Friday Bokeh
Jonathan Irwin Photography: Great Spotted Woodpecker_X3A4829
Richard Collier - Wildlife and Travel Photography: Yellow shouldered Hover Fly - Ischiodon scutellaris (1) (F)
brady tuckett: Cat (Part 2)
Paulemans: New addition to the zebra herd