beranekp: 2023-10-06 Praha Tramway Nr.9322
Croix-roussien: Yin and Yang
tlswan2: Springtime
diamond geezer: St Jude's, Hampstead Garden Suburb
Rafael Gomez - Roque de Agando monumento natural de los roques Isla de la Gomera 2
still~positive: As solid and I uncertain
Jarek S. "Jerry": Kingfisher
gilberteplessers: Back pocket vibes…..
gilberteplessers: Reflections in a pond……
Sykes Jeff: Nuthatch, Cumbria.
hedera.baltica: Green shield bug
natureloving: Bridal veil fungus (Phallus indusiatus)
BKHagar *Kim*: The Boy With the Striped Leg
aidanategnv: Catching the sun_0226lq
HoosierSands: Dover Street Tour
dudutrois: Ms Blackbird
Rana Pipiens: Prettily Spotted. Begonia maculata, Raddi's Begonia, Oude Hortus, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Rana Pipiens: Water Divination. Jizo Statue and Witch Hazel, Oude Hortus, Utrecht, The Netherlands
sasastro: It has to be done
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting): Equatorial Guinea / Guinea Ecuatorial - between Riaba and Malabo, a spider by a bridge
mawingchung,,,: DSC02971
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting): Angola - Muila village - water trough in the grindstone - deliberate or a coincidence
sasastro: Hiding away
raymond_zoller: Белый голубь
Rolando Procupez-Schtirbu: Jungle bells, jungle bells...
Rafael Gomez - escultura de granodiorita estatua de Amenhotep funcionario sentado con papiro y piernas cruzadas del Templo de Am+¦n Karnak Museo Egipcio de El Cairo Egipto
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting): Brazil - from Querencia to the Xingu village