Laura Rowan: Hope takes flight where you find beauty.
starc283: 1V1A4945 bull moose enjoying his birch leaf lunch...
N.Clark: Pretty in pink ...
MedicineMan4040: Towhee on the barbs
ChipM2008: Yellow Warbler
beeton_bear: Barn_Swallow_WEB2_F4A1206
Let there be light (A.J. McCullough): White Ibis with a Crawfish
starc283: 1V1A4672 mule deer buck in velvet
Laura Rowan: “Let us learn from butterfly to count life in each and every moment and make the most of it.”
N.Clark: The lowly chive
Ruthie Kansas: Baltimore Oriole in flight
beeton_bear: Fox'N'Rox_WEB1_F4A6913
Ned Harris: _07A7779 Swainson's Hawks
Ned Harris: _07A7786 Adult Swainson's Hawk
george_gww: _24A7760 g6
lamoustique: They really are small birds
Don Delaney: 5 Mustard White (Pieris oleracia)
Deborah Freeman: This time of year,,,,so many delightful scenes...Baby robin being fed cherries from our tree.
starc283: 1V1A4558 bull elk (butt) in velvet gazing into the rising sun.., considering the growth period still existing this will be one large 'racked' bull.
beeton_bear: Grebe_Dance_WEB2_F4A5164
ronzigler: Broad-winged Hawk 267A9756
ChipM2008: Red-winged blackbird
Ruthie Kansas: Cedar Waxwing
Ned Harris: _07A7441 Burrowing Owl
starc283: 1V1A4581 mule deer doe
N.Clark: Happy face
MedicineMan4040: Cliff Swallow enjoy home time
Laura Rowan: “The deer is a gentle reminder that beauty can be found even in the simplest of creatures.”
dog ma: In the web of the Brooklyn Bridge