dbifulco: Whitey
@juangarodriguez67: Green Violetear. Colibri Thalassins (Male)
@juangarodriguez67: Long-tailed Sylph- Aglaiocercus Kingi/ Silfo de king (male)
Wicked Dark Photography: Dolomedes scriptus pair
Thelma Gátuzzô: Burrowing Owl (Monday Face)
Bill Gracey 31 Million Views: Pink White And Red Dhalia In The Light
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC3640 Long tailed Duck...
Dale Ayres: Reed Bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus ) Female
Creative Nature & Wildlife: Get ready for take-off!
kingrapace: Boucle d'or - eille
Nick Ransdale: IMG_2890. Goldenrod Crab Spider (Misumena vatia)
Through Serena's Lens: Abstract Pattern
martinpettinger: Great Spotted Woodpecker - 7874 SX... in explore
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Eurasian Nuthatch
thengoctran19: A Femal Evarcha bulbosa Jabka
Alicja Zmysłowska: Happy in Winter!
ricketdi: Winter Wren / Troglodyte des forêts ( Richard )
Bradley Hamel: Enchenopa binotata complex treehopper
Bradley Hamel: A Beautiful Wood Nymph Moth.
Bradley Hamel: A cicada
Bradley Hamel: A crocus moth blending in with an older fern.
Bradley Hamel: A Viceroy butterfly Chrysalis
Bradley Hamel: Meet poopy
Bradley Hamel: A blinded sphinx moth caterpillar.
Bradley Hamel: Ouch. A Spined soldier bug performing acupuncture on a cicada.
Bradley Hamel: Little legs and hairy feet.
Bradley Hamel: A thick headed fly.
Bradley Hamel: With the new spring buds comes new life.